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Anamnesis, how you take it perfectly?

Anamnesis, how you take it perfectly? In this acritical I would like to present you tow accredit methods that simplify taking the anamnesis...

Ali Mardini 1 Apr, 2024

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New anatomy portal for all years !

Logg in here:  Anatomy portal

Ali Mardini 5 Apr, 2024

lipoma surgery

lipoma surgery  A lipoma is a benign neoplasm of fat cells (adipocytes) and the most common soft tissue  tumor in adults. The etiology is ...

Ali Mardini 2 Apr, 2024

Inguinal Hernias

Inguinal Hernias       Obs ! read here first:  Inguinal Region Anatomy Definition Inguinal hernias  occur through the floor or the intern...

Ali Mardini 2 Apr, 2024